A downloadable soundtrack

When I first started making MOD's, I naively assumed that anything I made on the Windows ProTracker clone would be playable on a real Amiga. 

How wrong I was!

I made a lot of MOD's that were well over 2MB in size, impossibly large for a real Amiga to load. I made an effort to remix some of these MOD's to get them to a smaller size. The ones that I was able to successfully shrink are found in my other collections. 

THIS collection, the "Big Fat" collection, contains all the MOD's that I couldn't reduce to an acceptable size. The loss of audio quality was just too much.

These should all play just fine in the ProTracker clone with 128k sample sizes enabled, or a module player like XMPlay. Just don't try to load them on a real Amiga!

Published 2 days ago
TagsAmiga, commodore, mod, protracker, xmplay


phaunt bigfat.zip 30 MB

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